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and I see you in the back of my mind 🌒

Embrace yourself- this is going to be one of a treat- a small bible of last couple of months. I know it is already Autumn but I am living my personal Summer. Did you know that you have your own seasons? that do not neccessary go hand in hand with annual seasons? If you want Tarot reading you can DM me and we can see in what season you are currently living.

The Autumn came warm this time in Tallinn. It is September 21 and the old towns roads are filled with warm wind when I take Hades out. A lot has happened since we last spoke. I continued going to the gym and we went our yearly adventure park mission. This time I felt I was so powerless that I was more like damsel in distress rather than the saving hero. Right after I fell sick and that explained a lot why I felt so week. It was pretty rough and long virus but nothing that one Tara Who couldnt handle.

The universe was again on my side as I just missed couple of gym hours and gladly I didnt have to miss the starting of our dance season. Couple of days before the new season of dance started I felt a lot better. I was so happy to be back. If you are interested to know wome witchy tricks to feel better let me know! I can make a post about them. I was missing our dance classes the whole summer and I was utterly excited to be back. When we stopped our frame up group last spring I felt so blue. But gladly the Autumn came quicker than I ever imagined.

My goal during the summer was to increase my strenght so I could perform better in our Frame up choreographies and routines (Can you believe I have already gone to frame up classes one year!!). I absolutely managed that- only if we exclude my quads. Dont you think 4 times going to the gym minimum and leg pressing 160kg with 15 reps and 3 sets would be enough? But no :D So that is the work I will continue doing.

In addition to our frame classess I have also taken more heels classes. I went to visit a new gorgeous studio and I absolutely loved it. After all the Yanish Marshall, Cisco and Fraules classes and by challenging myself with pop up classes I have made a lot of progress with my memory and ability to grasp new choreographies. I have missed this feeling and It was long road to get back to feel good to way I move. So let me tell you how I did it.

For that we need to go back to the beginning of September and specifically the days we have spent in office.

In Estonia, there is a law that you have to have health check up from time to time. And to be honest as a head of a team I understand the importance of these, but me who is active and doesnt have any underlying conditions I have kinda felt them more like a burden. Every couple of years I go to just say everything is ok and the life continues as beautifully as always.

Now this time- I was super stressed when I had to go. I had just started our new seasons, Hades was having a bit health problems and in addition to that I had to commute every day by taxi a lot (I know these are champagne problems- thank you for coming to my ted talk)

Gladly Hades got fast better and I went with my a slighlty arrogant attitude to do my mandatory health check up. I had been last 5 years sooo tired but I feel like past year it has been over the counter. But you know I thought it comes with the territory named aging. I thought it was normal that I was sleeping till 4 o clock every weekend and everything felt so heavy. I just thought maybe I was a bit lazy. And Pale I was so pale- but I might or might have not played a bit more call of duty than usually. And I saw my hair falling off but I just thought it is its time to renew it. So again- me and my little heels commuted by taxi to the beautiful, new health clinic to do my check up. Everything was very quick and the doctor was nice. Outside it was bloody hot day- one of those that you could think it was 30 degree summer day back in 90s in Kokkola. But it was not. It was September in Tallinn at 2024. The doctor looked me and asked me if I was vegan. I told that I have been vegetarian and I currently eat a lot of veggies. After that I got to understand my Iron and vitamine d numbers where completely -excuse moi my french- fucked. I was suffering iron deficiancy and lack of vitamine d. I got the supplements and it was not in that moment but a much later when I understood I had like 100000000 and 21 percent more energy.

For your informations these are some common signs of iron deficiency:

  • Unexplained fatigue or lack of energy

  • Being Pale or having yellow swallow skin

  • Shortness of breath or chest pain, especially with activity

  • Unexplained generalized weakness

  • Rapid heartbeat

  • Pounding or "whooshing" in the ears

  • Headache, especially with activity

  • Craving for ice or clay - "picophagia"

  • Sore or smooth tongue

  • Brittle nails or hair loss (source:

Here are some of D vitamine deficiency symptoms:

  • Bone pain

  • Muscle pain

  • Increased sensitivity to pain

  • A tingly, “pins-and-needles” sensation in the hands or feet

  • Muscle weakness in body parts near the trunk of the body, such as the upper arms or thighs

  • Waddling while walking, due to muscle weakness in the hips or legs

  • A history of broken bones

  • Muscle twitches or tremors

  • Muscle spasms

  • Bowed legs (when the deficiency is severe)

So once I saw my energy go up- I took additional heels classes.

And even more heels classes. I have been looking good heels group for a long time and I finally found it!! I adore these classes so much and Sunday has turned out to be the best day of the week. I have every Sunday 2,5 hour dancing then. I took also additional hip hop classes. Something that I always thought was just not my thing- but maybe with the right teacher it was- beause I absolutely loved it.

I could write about this class and my background with hip-hop whole new blog post, but I will save this for another time. I will just say; I can not believe how blessed I am that I am able to dance this level teachers. I am so blessed. If you want to see videos from our classes please go to my instagram I post there a lot dance related things!

In the middle of all things I have read a lot of books, read tarot as usual, watched the office first time (I found it quite funny) and watched Industry (I AM OBSESSED WITH KARA-HANANI, ERIC and HAPSICORD!!! and the show really.)

I have also spent time with hades prepared one dance project, done my nails (and ordered a lot of new nail supplements) found so much more nice clothes (my inspo has been lacking quite long time with new clothes..) that I need soon a second walk in closet :D

and finally done things that I have procrastinated more than 4 years. As you can see after I got the Iron supplements and the vitamine D I feel like myself again. I also took tattoo last week and I promise to show you when it is healed but here a little clue what it is related;

In the middle of September we celebrated my moms round numbers and I bet I have never seen her so happy. It made my heart also full.

Birthday brunch.

Hades, Mimmi and my father.


lovely little nugget.

our ride.

Me and Mr. Who after dancing our asses off with Britneys toxic and after taking 1 enough of blueberry shots.

Last but not least I have gone to horseback riding. It is my place of peace. The place of love, serenity and connection. I used to ride horses a lot when I was child but that is also a story for another time. And this story- I promise to tell you soon. Currently I am sitting in our dining room writing this and Hades is sleeping next to me. Mr. Who is cooking and updating our phones to the new ios. I might be visit Germany for some dance lessons in November. All in all everything is very good and as you can see it is summer seasons in witch's house again. So take this as you gently reminder to not avoid your regular check ups with your doctor. And take that vitamine d and Iron supplements if needed (and only doctor can advise you with this- not me.)

Oh- and do you remember still the old man who read my tarot cards and said I am like a phoneix- I rise from ashes. I think he was right. As Tarot always is.

I love you. toodaloo,

Tara who 🌙


TaraWho Paratiisihotelli
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