Okay hello hi it is your local accountable girl here again! so now it is time to tell a story about trip to Finland. We had a mission to go to the crab parties (I literally don't know any better word for those Swedish-Finnish parties) but the basic idea for you to know is that you sing songs, drink booze and eat crabs. My man happens to be three time champion and expert when it comes to crabs so it was very good place to sit next to him in long table which was placed in the beautiful garden.
In the morning, three of us (Yes mr. Hades is included in this trip too- naturally as the part of the family- or pack as he probably thinks we are) woke up way too early for all of us. We took our bags, Mr Hades sang his beautiful morning song- we brushed our tooth and headed to taxi which took us to the terminal.
We hardly made it to the check out when MR. Haddington decided it was already enough of walking and we all could simply just started napping on the cool marble floor. Gladly he had his personal bag with him so he simply continued rest of the trip in his bag (Not to be confused with the one I am holding- he doesn't quite fit there probably- haven't tried but this is just assumption- I don't have any facts to back this up you know).
After getting to our hot destination Finland finally we got our bags to our cabin and started to enjoy. Hades had packed his own shark life vest and he got to run free quite a bit.
He was truly enjoying his time also without the leash. Also he found probably his second love of the life, female doggie who stole his heart. The female was independent and cute dog who put Hades in order. In so shy way. he was watching her from far away.
ANYHOW- we really enjoyed our time. The thing is- we really like to spend time with other people but as we live abroad most of our friends are in different countries; so it makes these kind of events even more special :)
Here is couple of more pictures from the party. We had such a good time :) We appreciated the invitation- thank you once again :) ANYHOW-